From: Rosely <>
Date: 2009/3/18
FREE Pattern of the Day » On-the-Double Bunny Basket » Crochet
Designed by Sue Penrod
What a cutie! You'll see plenty of smiles when you fill this adorable bunny basket with Easter sweets!
Skill Level
Finished Size
4 1/2 inches deep x 6 inches in diameter
- Coats & Clark Red Heart Super Saver medium (worsted) weight yarn (8 oz/452 yds/226g per skein):
- 3 oz #311 white
- 1/2 oz #373 petal pink
- 1 yd #312 black
- 4 oz #9311 cloud
4 sts = 3 inches; 7 pattern rows = 1 inch
Check gauge to save time.
Pattern Notes
Weave in loose ends as work progresses.
Join rounds with a slip stitch unless otherwise stated.
Special Stitches
Ribbing stitch (rib st): Draw up 1 lp between vertical bars and under horizontal bars, retaining lps on hook, slide all lps on hook to other end of hook and turn.
Single crochet loop (sc lp): Draw up a lp in next vertical bar, retaining lps on hook, slide all lps on hook to other end of hook and turn.
Row 1: With white, ch 20, draw up a lp in 2nd ch from hook, draw up a lp in each rem ch across, retaining all lps on hook, turn. (20 lps on hook)
Row 2: With cloud, draw through first lp on hook, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] across until 1 lp rem, do not turn.
Row 3: Draw up 1 lp in each of next 14 vertical bars, draw up 1 lp between vertical bars and under horizontal bars in next 6 sts, slide all lps on hook to other end of hook, turn. (20 lps on hook)
Row 4: With white, draw through first lp on hook, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] across until 1 lp rem on hook, do not turn.
Row 5: Draw up 1 lp in next 6 sts working between vertical bars and under horizontal bars, draw up 1 lp in next 14 vertical bars across, slide all lps on hook to other end of hook, turn. (20 lps on hook)
Rows 6-96: Rep Rows 2-5, ending last rep with Row 4.
Row 97: With white, sl st in next 14 vertical bars, working between vertical bars and under horizontal bars, sl st in each of next 6 sts, turn.
Row 98: Ch 1, working in row ends, draw up a lp in every other row end, yo, draw through all lps on hook at once, gather to close, ch 1 to secure, leaving a length of yarn, fasten off.
Thread yarn needle with rem length, sew side seam. Place container into crocheted body.
Row 1: With white, ch 7, draw up a lp in 2nd ch from hook, draw up a lp in each rem ch across, retaining all lps on hook, turn. (7 lps on hook)
Rows 2-5: Rep Rows 2-5 of body. (7 lps on hook)
Rows 6-28: Rep Rows 2-5, ending last rep with Row 4.
Row 29: With white, sl st in each of next 4 vertical bars, working between vertical bars and under horizontal bars, sl st in next 3 sts, fasten off.
Row 30: With petal pink, turn, working in row ends, draw up a lp in every other row end, yo, draw off all lps on hook at once, gather to close, ch 1 to secure, leaving a length of yarn, fasten off.
Do not sew ends of rib rows closed. The petal pink section of Row 30 is the nose and head will be positioned with petal pink section at the bottom.
With yarn needle and length of black yarn, embroider eyes with straight sts 1/2 inch above nose with 1/2-inch sp between eyes.
(make 2)
Row 1: With cloud, ch 12, draw up a lp in 2nd ch from hook, draw up a lp in each rem ch across, retaining all lps on hook, turn. (12 lps on hook)
Row 2: With petal pink, yo, draw through first lp on hook, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] across, do not turn.
Row 3: Draw up 1 lp in each vertical bar across, slide all lps on hook to other end of hook, turn. (12 lps on hook)
Row 4: With cloud, yo, draw through first lp on hook, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook] across until 1 lp rem on hook, do not turn.
Row 5: With cloud, rep Row 3.
Rows 6-8: Rep Rows 2-4.
Row 9: With cloud, sl st in each vertical bar across row, working across ends of rows, draw up a lp in every other row, yo, draw through all lps on hook to form top curve of ear, ch 1 to secure, sl st in each st down opposite side of ear, leaving a length of yarn, fasten off.
Sew bottom straight edge of ears, touching at center, to back of head.
Sew head to body of basket, shaping cheeks by spreading beg and ending rows at base to create cheek shape. Sew in place to secure.
Tie pink ribbon below head to basket body; tie ends in a bow.
With white, make a 3-inch pompom and sew to back basket body at top edge.
O valor das coisas não está no tempo em que elas duram,
mas na intensidade com que acontecem.
Por isso existem momentos inesquecíveis,
coisas inexplicáveis e pessoas incomparáveis".
(Fernando Pessoa)